Don’t be left out in the cold when it comes to weatherizing and insulating your home. While initial estimates may be daunting, there are programs designed to help homeowners with the associated costs as well as programs designed to assist with heating and electric bills.
US Weatherization Assistance Program
U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program originated in 1976 to reduce energy costs for low-income households by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes, while ensuring their health and safety. The program supports 8,500 jobs and provides weatherization services to approximately 35,000 homes every year using DOE funds. Through weatherization improvements and upgrades, these households save on average $283 or more every year according to a national evaluation of the program.
NH Weatherization Assistance Program
New Hampshire’s Weatherization Program is designed to reduce household energy use and costs in the homes of low-income persons throughout the state by installing energy efficiency improvements. The overall goal of the Weatherization Program is to serve those low-income households that are most vulnerable to high-energy costs and who do not have the means of making cost-effective energy conservation improvements to their homes.
NH Home Energy Assistance Program
Fuel Assistance Program is New Hampshire’s arm of the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which is funded through the US Department of Health and Human Services. As funds become available, the Fuel Assistance Program provides benefits to qualified New Hampshire households to assist with heating costs. The Fuel Assistance Program can also help households during a heating emergency by securing an emergency delivery of fuel, delaying a shut-off notice, or referring clients to another source of assistance.
NH Electric Assistance Program
The statewide program provides qualifying customers with a discount on their monthly electric bill.
NH Community Action Agencies
Organizations working with low-income families, the elderly and individuals with disabilities to assist them in their efforts to become or remain financially and socially independent. They provide a broad array of services that are locally defined, planned and managed.
A charitable program that is offered by many utility and electric companies across the country, including smaller cooperatives, designed to provide financial assistance to families in need of help. It is a volunteer program in which customers agree to have their utility bill “rounded up” to the next whole dollar amount. The extra money paid on a utility bill, which is really a donation, goes towards helping the less fortunate pay their bills.